
What is Confirmation?

Through the laying on of hands and the anointing with the Chrism, the Sacrament of Confirmation increases the grace of Baptism, strengthens the gift of the Holy Spirit first received at Baptism, and unites us more fully to Christ and the Church.

Who can receive the sacrament of Confirmation?

Age considerations

Confirmation for the Diocese of Scranton will be celebrated primarily in the

8th or early 9th grade. Each parish annually invites candidates to participate

in a process of Confirmation catechesis and liturgical celebration. Direct

preparation for Confirmation is to take place at the parish where the young

person presently worships and/or is registered. Catholic schools do not

offer preparation programs for Confirmation, but actively invite eligible young

people to seek Confirmation in their own parish.



Sponors for Confirmation should meet the requirements of baptismal

sponsor state in Canon Law:

  • At least sixteen years old and have received all three sacraments of


  • Lead a life in harmony with the Catholic faith;
  • Not bound by any penalty of the Church;
  • Not the parent of the person to be confirmed (although the baptismal

godparent is a very appropriate choice).

In addition, the sponsors must be able to participate in the preparation

process and willing to serve as a guide, confidante and listener. This

assumes the local residency of the sponsor and that he or she has a positive

and comfortable relationship with the candidate.